THE DRUM (‘The Heartbeat and Tempo of the Dominican People’) was a newspaper which was published in the Commonwealth of Dominica from December 1982 through March 1984. Here, we intend to re-create as much of it as possible in a responsive and searchable format so that THE DRUM may be properly archived for future generations.

‫زبان کو اردو میں تبدیل کریں.

So far, the only complete pages that we have been able to locate are the front pages of the first and ninth issues, thanks to the Dominica Library & Information Service.

Anyone who has any additional information about this newspaper or is able to provide copies, photographs, or scans of any pages should kindly contact us at

THE DRUM was published by Y.M. Hamid, who was previously the emir (امیر: commander, leader, prince) of the Islamic Party of North America.2 Unlike the previous decade’s Al-Islam: the Islamic Movement Journal,3,4 THE DRUM was not a tool of da‘wah (دعوة: proselytism in Islam); instead, it was primarly political in nature. The newspaper promoted itself as non-partisan and unaffiliated,5,6 but it was also a much-needed counterpoint to the political right. At the time, the Freedom Party had a strong hold on Dominica’s politics,7 and the nation’s leading newspaper The New Chronicle was widely viewed as nothing more than a media mouthpiece for the government.8,9 But in response to the accusation that THE DRUM was an agent for the opposition parties, the publisher re-iterated that they reported from all sides, and that ‘in doing so we accept being characterised as opposition and controversial, because neither conflicts with being independent’.6

This web site was prepared by:
Bilal Abdur-Ra’uf
Richmond Avandale
Jean Bertrand
Josef Hamilton
Usama Madani

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1. ‘The Drum in Suspension’. The New Chronicle, June 22, 1984, p.2.
2. ‘The IPNA’, from The Expansion of African-American Muslim Movements beyond the United States, by Philipp Bruckmayr.
3. ‘Publisher's comments’. Al-Islam, volume one, winter [issue] one, number one, p.4.
4. The Decisive Solution, by Muhammad Shareef bin Farid, p.123.
5. ‘Publishing policy’. The Drum, volume one, number one, p.1.
6. ‘The Drum Denies Allegations’. Barbados Advocate, August 27, 1983, p.3.
7. The Dominica Story: A History of the Island, by Lennox Honychurch, p.274–275.
8. Islands of the Commonweath Caribbean: a regional study, edited by Sandra W. Meditz and Dennis M. Hanratty, p.285.
9. A Rain of Stones, by Gabriel J. Christian, p.16.

THE DRUM (‘The Heartbeat and Tempo of the Dominican People’)
Universal declaration of human rights
Article 19.  Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression: this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers.
Remember - Democracy only has value to the degree that people are free and feel free to practice democracy without fear.
Price: $1.00


The publisher: Y.M. Hamid
The publisher: Y.M. Hamid
The Publisher Speaks

As a Dominican, it is an honour to serve my country and people by publishing THE DRUM. In democratic societies like Dominica, there are several institutions that play a major role in determining the direction of the nation and preserving democracy. Free and independent newspapers is one of these institutions. As a newly independent country, we are faced with a dilemna. How do we maintain our independence (in the full sense of the word) without continuing to be exploited by previous colonial masters, or falling in the hands of a new imperialist power? For sure, the solving of the problems of our development both in technological terms and human terms require the cooperation and assistance from the international community. It must be welcomed. However, cooperation and assistance is one thing, but selling our sovereignty and subjecting our people to foreign influences which have proven to be a great detriment to humanity, is quite another. In this regard, the present government has gone on record several times assuring Dominicans of its commitment to democracy and maintaining a non-aligned policy. We welcome these pronouncements with hope and great expectation. For one of the major cementing parts in a democratic state is tolerance on the part of government. Particularly, tolerance of different views, opinions and protecting the right to have these views expressed.

THE DRUM will give priority to expressing educational analysis and fostering a wide view of current affairs in the world in order that Dominicans at large can objectively assess what is or is not taking place in their best interest. As a matter of fact, to the degree that we understand world affairs, we are able to appreciate our own developmental problems. There are several issues affecting the world that have a direct bearing on us. The threat of nuclear war, poverty, New World economic order, racism, drug abuse, colonialism, inflation, women’s rights, Multi-national companies, moral decay, family disintegration, etc., are only a few. Unlike some who believe that these international issues are beyond the ability to understand or of no concern to the average citizen, should be left to ‘experts’ and ‘graduates’; it is our view that we should not confuse literacy levels with intelligence levels. The masses of Dominica are quite intelligent and interested in how the world functions and on what principles.

The right to know as well as to be reliably informed is both enshrined in our constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. However, what good is the right without the vehicle to achieve the benefit of the right? For example, the government, the parliamentarians have the House of Assembly to express themselves at great length, at will. This of course is their right. What do we the masses of Dominica have as a regular vehicle of two-way communication to the nation? Newspapers offer a vehicle of two-way communication for us. THE DRUM will communicate what is going on in the world and Dominica and do this from several points of view. You, the readers are expected to express your pleasure, and displeasure with what we write. In addition however, you are expected to initiate ideas, suggestions and analysis of your own. We do not propose to speak for you. Speak for yourself through THE DRUM. Our future comments on national affairs in Dominica will be guided by your direct communication with us. Through this cooperation, it is my view that the popular views of this nation can be easily defined, thereby aiding our government in continuing to move in a positive direction.

It is impossible to satisfy everyone’s academic and political taste in one newspaper. We encourage a multiplicity of media sources, because this will only enhance the further exchange of views for the good of the nation. THE DRUM promises to never engage in personality-conflict journalism and spreading gossip. There is enough division already. Again THE DRUM applauds the present government for its call for national unity and the protection of Human Rights. By this action, the national, political and social climate is conducive to a healthy exercise of our civil rights and human rights. There is no reason for fear.

Just as we have the Holy scripture for spiritual upliftment, near each one of us in our homes, similarly, we must have the Dominica constitution near us and read it for upliftment and guidance in our socio-political life.

Finally, I express my appreciation to the many from all walks of life, who have encouraged me in this endeavour. Your continued advice is welcomed. Therefore, during this great season of peace on earth and good will towards the people of the world, I send sincere greetings to all and ask for your active support, in order that THE DRUM can become an established media institution in the social life of this great nation.


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© 1982 THE DRUM (this edition is © 2025 All rights reserved. THE DRUM (‘The Heartbeat and Tempo of the Dominican People’) was a newspaper which was published in the Commonwealth of Dominica from December 1982 through March 1984. Here, we intend to re-create as much of it as possible in a responsive and searchable format so that THE DRUM may be properly archived for future generations. Anyone who has any additional information about this newspaper or is able to provide copies, photographs, or scans of any pages should kindly contact us at